Contribute to the Project
Thank you for thinking about contributing to the project! You can contribute using the following ways.
Join the IOTA Libraries Initiative
The IOTA Libraries Initiative is a collaborative effort to help improve the developer experience that includes.
- Quality assurance and review.
- Documentation.
- Code samples.
If you would like to get involved, join the #wallet-discussion channel.
Contribute to the Project's GitHub Repository
All of the code is open source and hosted on GitHub where you can:
- Report a bug.
- Suggest a new feature.
- Contribute to the documentation.
Contribute to the Documentation
This documentation is also open source and hosted on GitHub.
If you want to contribute new documentation or fix an error, create a new task, and outline your feedback
Share Your Knowledge
Helping others is an important part of any open source ecosystem.
By sharing your knowledge with others, you can provide a lot of value to the community and maybe inspire someone else to learn and contribute.
Take a look at what discussions are going on in the #wallet-discussion channel
Thanks ❤️