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Connect to a Node

Instantiate a SimpleNodeClient

You can instantiate a SimpleNodeClient using its constructor. You will need to provide a valid API_ENDPOINT, and can also use the SingleNodeClientOptions.

Get the SimpleNodeClient's Properties

Once you have instantiated the SingleNodeClient, you can retrieve its properties by using the class's functions. The example uses the following:

Submit a Block

Once you have instantiated the SingleNodeClient, you can create and submit a new block using the SingleNodeClient.nodeSubmit() function. To do so, you will first need to create a submitBlock as shown in the example.

Retrieve a Block

You can use the SingleNodeClient.block(blockId) function to retrieve a block using its blockId. If successful, the function will return a block.

Retrieve a Block's Metadata

You can use the SingleNodeClient.blockMetadata(blockId) function to retrieve a block's metadata using its blockId. If successful, the function will return a IBlockMetadata.

Retrieve a Raw Block

You can use the SingleNodeClient.blockRaw(blockId) function to retrieve a raw block using its blockId. If successful, the function will return the block's raw data which you can convert to Hex using the Converter.bytesToHex() function, or decode using the ReadStream(blockRaw) class.

Retrieve a Milestone

You can retrieve a milestone using the SingleNodeClient.milestoneByIndex(index) function. The function will return a IMilestonePayload if successful.

Retrieve a Milestone's Properties

Once you have retrieved a milestone, you can retrieve any of its properties, as shown in the example.

Retrieve an Output

You can retrieve an output using the SingleNodeClient.output(outputId) function. The function will return a IMilestonePayload if successful.

Retrieve an Output's Properties

Once you have retrieved a output, you can retrieve any of its properties, as shown in the example.

Example Code


Expected Output

Is the node healthy Yes

Node Info
Version: 2.0.0-alpha.23
Is Healthy: true
Latest Milestone Index: 54851
Latest Milestone Timestamp: 1657543301
Latest Milestone Id: 0x49fe39afe197426e085fc5ce61ba2168307075d13b0b311407654d09532f7efa
Confirmed Milestone Index: 54851
Confirmed Milestone Timestamp: 1657543301
Confirmed Milestone Id: 0x49fe39afe197426e085fc5ce61ba2168307075d13b0b311407654d09532f7efa
Pruning Index: 0
Network Name: alphanet-8
Bech32 HRP: rms
Token supply: 2779530283277761
Protocol version:
Min PoW Score: 1000
VByte Cost: 500
VByte Factor Data: 1
VByte Factor Key: 10
Base token
Name: Shimmer
Ticker Symbol: SMR
Unit: SMR
Sub unit: glow
Decimals: 6
Use metric prefix: false
Blocks Per Second: 5.6
Referenced Blocks Per Second: 4.8
Referenced Rate: 85.71428571428571
Features: []

Tip 1 Block Id: 0x05789c77904b4922004c04624aff85543442634044404ecec95c8498fcb95e49
Tip 2 Block Id: 0x5d9a4d67d86c5e5fefcbb884850e3a4ed0cb8b546fe2beb36059a150726dcfb7
Tip 3 Block Id: 0x7c6159ac6c6473ef1e36c4de298a6b77bbb84d0ad200cfdccca5ae9a396032e7
Tip 4 Block Id: 0xd270eba03af6b1af34845c2eebcfa6be4be225d4e3875a32d6fa7b763b88bfb2

Submit Block:
Block Id 0x844c9f8c363123774739acfc6ff60bc20bb61a6ddc829c9af6d3c8ccf3525111

Get Block
Protocol Version: 2
Parent 1 Block Id: 0x05789c77904b4922004c04624aff85543442634044404ecec95c8498fcb95e49
Parent 2 Block Id: 0x5d9a4d67d86c5e5fefcbb884850e3a4ed0cb8b546fe2beb36059a150726dcfb7
Parent 3 Block Id: 0x7c6159ac6c6473ef1e36c4de298a6b77bbb84d0ad200cfdccca5ae9a396032e7
Parent 4 Block Id: 0xd270eba03af6b1af34845c2eebcfa6be4be225d4e3875a32d6fa7b763b88bfb2
Tagged Data Payload
Tag: Foo
Data: Bar
Nonce: 15372286728091295777

Block Metadata
Block Id: 0x844c9f8c363123774739acfc6ff60bc20bb61a6ddc829c9af6d3c8ccf3525111
Parent 1 Block Id: 0x05789c77904b4922004c04624aff85543442634044404ecec95c8498fcb95e49
Parent 2 Block Id: 0x5d9a4d67d86c5e5fefcbb884850e3a4ed0cb8b546fe2beb36059a150726dcfb7
Parent 3 Block Id: 0x7c6159ac6c6473ef1e36c4de298a6b77bbb84d0ad200cfdccca5ae9a396032e7
Parent 4 Block Id: 0xd270eba03af6b1af34845c2eebcfa6be4be225d4e3875a32d6fa7b763b88bfb2
Is Solid: true
Ledger Inclusion State:
Should Promote: false
Should Reattach: false

Block Raw
Raw: 0x020405789c77904b4922004c04624aff85543442634044404ecec95c8498fcb95e495d9a4d67d86c5e5fefcbb884850e3a4ed0cb8b546fe2beb36059a150726dcfb77c6159ac6c6473ef1e36c4de298a6b77bbb84d0ad200cfdccca5ae9a396032e7d270eba03af6b1af34845c2eebcfa6be4be225d4e3875a32d6fa7b763b88bfb20f0000000500000003466f6f0300000042617221605555555555d5

Block Decoded
Protocol Version: 2
Parent 1 Block Id: 0x05789c77904b4922004c04624aff85543442634044404ecec95c8498fcb95e49
Parent 2 Block Id: 0x5d9a4d67d86c5e5fefcbb884850e3a4ed0cb8b546fe2beb36059a150726dcfb7
Parent 3 Block Id: 0x7c6159ac6c6473ef1e36c4de298a6b77bbb84d0ad200cfdccca5ae9a396032e7
Parent 4 Block Id: 0xd270eba03af6b1af34845c2eebcfa6be4be225d4e3875a32d6fa7b763b88bfb2
Tagged Data Payload
Tag: Foo
Data: Bar
Nonce: 15372286728091295777

Latest Milestone Payload
Milestone Index: 54851
Included Merkel Root 0xb46f508b2dcd240cbc927453eeae3e7f800a9a0f8e0415ce577acea50da039cf
Applied Merkel Root 0x0e5751c026e543b2e8ab2eb06099daa1d1e5df47778f7787faab45cdf12fe3a8
Previous Milestone Id: 0x5432f5761fdb156e14add8227ae7c48085011ca2097679e08e4d33fa2e34379d
Timestamp: 1657543301

Block Id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Transaction Id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Output Index: 0
Is Spent: true
Basic Output
Amount: 2779530283277761
Native Tokens
Unlock Conditions
Address Unlock Condition
Ed25519 Address
Public Key Hash: 0x3845105b59429361a75b3203a6e24e16d19540aad6bd1936449b62f1c4bbe5da
