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Install HORNET using Docker

HORNET Node using Docker

This guide represents the recommended setup to run a HORNET node. It includes everything required to setup a public node accessible by wallets and applications:

  • Traefik - Reverse proxy using SSL certificates to secure access to the node API and dashboard.
  • Prometheus - Metrics scraper configured to collect all metrics from HORNET and INX extensions.
  • Grafana - Data visualizer that can be used to display the metrics collected by Prometheus.
  • inx-dashboard - Node dashboard.
  • inx-indexer - Indexer extension for wallets and applications.
  • inx-mqtt - MQTT extension providing the Event API.
  • inx-participation - Participation extension providing on-tangle-voting.
  • inx-poi - Extention to generate proofs of inclusion.
  • inx-spammer - Network spammer.
  • wasp - L2 Node for IOTA Smart Contracts.

We only recommend running a node on hosted servers and not on personal computers. Please take into consideration the points explained in the Security 101.

HORNET Docker images (amd64/x86_64 and arm64 architecture) are available at the iotaledger/hornet Docker hub.


  1. A recent release of Docker enterprise or community edition. You can find installation instructions in the official Docker documentation.
  2. Docker Compose CLI plugin.
  3. A registered domain name pointing to the public IP address of your server. (optional if not using HTTPS)
  4. Opening up the following ports in your servers firewall:
  • 15600 TCP - Used for HORNET gossip.
  • 14626 UDP - Used for HORNET autopeering.
  • 80 TCP - Used for HTTP. (can be changed, see below)
  • 443 TCP - Used for HTTPS. (optional if not using HTTPS)
  • 4000 TCP/UDP - Used for Wasp gossip. (optional if not using Wasp)
  • 5550 TCP - Used for Wasp nanomsg events. (optional if not using Wasp)
  1. curl.

Download the latest release


The commands assume you are using Linux.

Once you have completed all the installation requirements, you can download the latest release by running:

mkdir hornet
cd hornet
curl -L -O ""
tar -zxf node-docker-setup-v1.0.0-rc.2.tar.gz



The commands assume you are using Linux.

1. Setup Environment

You can configure your node to either use HTTP or HTTPS. For publicly exposed nodes we heavily recommend using HTTPS.


Create a file named .env add the following to the file:

  • Replace with the e-mail used for issuing a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate.
  • Replace with the domain pointing to your public IP address as described in the requirements.

1.2 HTTP

By default this setup will expose the Traefik reverse proxy on the default HTTP port 80. If you want to change the port to a different value you can create a file named .env and add the following to e.g. expose it over port 9000:


2. Setup neighbors

Add your HORNET neighbor addresses to the peering.json file.


This step is recommended, but optional if you are using autopeering. See peering for more information.

3. Create the data folder

All files used by HORNET, the INX extensions, Wasp, Traefik & co will be stored in a directory called data. Docker image runs under user with user id 65532 and group id 65532, so this directory needs to have the correct permissions to be accessed by the containers. To create this directory with correct permissions run the contained script:


4. Select the target network

By default, the node-docker-setup joins the Shimmer network.

If you want to switch to the testnet, create a file named .env if you did not create it already and add the following line:


5. Set dashboard credentials

To access your HORNET dashboard, a set of credentials need to be configured. Run the following command to generate a password hash and salt for the dashboard:

docker compose run hornet tool pwd-hash

Create a file named .env if you did not create it already and add the following lines:

  • Update the DASHBOARD_PASSWORD and DASHBOARD_SALT values in the .env file with the result of the previous command.

If you want to change the default admin username, you can add this line to your .env file:


6. Enable additional monitoring

To enable additional monitoring (cAdvisor, Prometheus, Grafana), the docker compose profile needs to be configured. Create a file named .env if you did not create it already and add the following line:


7. Enable Wasp node

To also run a Wasp node, the docker compose profile needs to be configured. Create a file named .env if you did not create it already and add the following line:


If you already enabled the monitoring profile, modify the profiles:



Starting the node

You can start the HORNET node and INX extensions by running:

docker compose up -d
  • -d Instructs Docker to start the containers in the background.


After starting the node you will be able to access your services at the following endpoints:

  • API:
  • HORNET Dashboard:
  • Grafana: (optional if using "monitoring" profile)
  • Wasp API: (optional if using "wasp" profile)
  • Wasp Dashboard: (optional if using "wasp" profile)

After starting your node for the first time, please change the default grafana credentials User: admin Password: admin

You can configure your wallet software to use


After starting the node you will be able to access your services at the following endpoints:

  • API: http://localhost/api/routes
  • HORNET Dashboard: http://localhost/dashboard
  • Grafana: http://localhost/grafana (optional if using "monitoring" profile)
  • Wasp API: http://localhost/wasp/api (optional if using "wasp" profile)
  • Wasp Dashboard: http://localhost/wasp/dashboard (optional if using "wasp" profile)

If you changed the default HTTP_PORT value, you will need to add the port to the urls.

You can configure your wallet software to use http://localhost

Displaying Log Output

You can display the HORNET logs by running:

docker compose logs -f hornet
  • -f Instructs Docker to continue displaying the log to stdout until CTRL+C is pressed.

Stopping the node

You can stop the HORNET node and INX extensions by running:

docker compose down


To access the tools provided inside HORNET you can use:

docker compose run hornet tool <tool-name>

To see the list of tools included run:

docker compose run hornet tool -h

JWT Auth

To generate a JWT token to be used to access protected routes you can run:

docker compose run hornet tool jwt-api --databasePath data/p2pstore
  • If you changed the restAPI.jwtAuth.salt value in the config.json, then you need to pass that value as a parameter as --salt <restAPI.jwtAuth.salt value from your config.json>


This setup includes the INX extensions listed at the beginning of this guide. If you want to disable certain extensions you can comment out the different services in the docker-compose.yml file and restart the node.

More Information

For more information look at the Github repository