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Data Access Proxies

As we cannot call the ISC sandbox functions directly, we need some library to access the sandbox functionality. There is no way for the Wasm code to access any memory outside its wn memory space. Therefore, any data that is governed by the ISC sandbox has to be copied in and out of that memory space through well-defined protected channels in the Wasm runtime system.

To make this whole process as seamless as possible the WasmLib interface uses so-called proxies. Proxies are objects that can perform the underlying data transfers between the separate systems. Proxies are like data references in that regard, they refer to the actual objects or values stored on the ISC host, and know how to manipulate them. Proxies provide a consistent interface to access the smart contract data.

At the lowest level data is stored on the ISC host in maps that take a byte string as key and a byte string as value. There are 3 predefined maps from the viewpoint of WasmLib. They are:

  • the State map, which holds all state storage values
  • the Params map, which holds the current function call's parameter values
  • the Results map, which returns the function call's result values

The Schema Tool is able to build a more complex, JSON-like data structure on top of these maps, but in the end it all translates to simple key/value access on the underlying map.

Value Proxies

The most basic proxies are value proxies. They refer to a single value instance of a predetermined data type. Value proxies refer to their values through a proxy object that defines the underlying map and the key that uniquely defines the value's location in that map. Value proxies can manipulate the value they refer to and will perform appropriate type conversion of the byte string that makes up the stored value.

The Schema Tool will make sure that the type-safe code that it generates always uses the appropriate proxy type.

Container Proxies

Container proxies create a virtual nesting system on the underlying map. Just as with value proxies, they refer to their virtual container through a proxy object that defines the underlying map and the key that uniquely defines the virtual container in that map. Contrary to value proxies these virtual containers need no storage.

The Schema Tool automatically generates code that allows the user to navigate the virtual path through the nested virtual containers. In the end this path leads to access to value proxies of all values that are located in that virtual container.

To keep things as simple and understandable we imitate the way JSON and YAML nest containers. That means there are only two different kinds of container proxies: array proxies and map proxies. Because we allow nesting of containers, these are enough to be able to define surprisingly complex data structures.

Map Proxies

A map is a key/value store where the key is one of our supported value types. Within a map, keys are always of the same data type. The root maps (State, Params, and Results) can store elements of any type, but their keys are limited to human-readable strings. This is because these keys needs to be defined in the schema definition file. Virtual maps, which are nested under a root map, can hold values of a single associated data type, which can be one of our supported value types, a user-defined data type, or a virtual container object (map or array).

Array Proxies

An array can be seen as a special kind of map. Its key is an Int32 value that has the property that keys always form a sequence from 0 to N-1 for an array with N elements. Arrays always store elements of a single associated data type, which can be one of our supported value types, a user-defined type, or a virtual container object (map or array).

Example That Shows the Use of Proxies in WasmLib

Proxies in WasmLib

In this example we have a single map in the ISC state storage that contains a number of key/value combinations (Key 1 through Key 4). One of them (Key 4) refers to an array, which in turn contains indexed values stored at indexes 0 through N.

Notice how the WasmLib proxies mirror these exactly. There is a container proxy for each container, and a value proxy for each value stored.

Also note that despite the one-to-one correspondence in the example it is not necessary for a smart contract function to define a proxy for every value or container in the ISC state storage. In practice a function will only use proxies to data that it actually needs to access.

In the next section we will go into more detail about the supported WasmLib Data Types.