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How to use EVM in IOTA Smart Contracts

1. Deploy an IOTA Smart Contracts Chain

When deploying an IOTA Smart Contracts chain, EVM support is automatically added with the default configuration. The wasp-cli chain deploy command accepts the following EVM-specific option:

  • --evm-chainid <n>: EVM chain ID (default: 1074).

    Register a Unique Chain ID

    Re-using an existing Chain ID is not recommended and can be a security risk. For serious usage, register a unique Chain ID on Chainlist and use that instead of the default. It is not possible to change the EVM chain ID after deployment.

You can verify that the EVM support is enabled by visiting the Wasp dashboard and checking the "EVM" section on your ISC chain page. You should see the EVM chain ID and the JSON-RPC endpoint.

2. Fund an Ethereum Account on Your IOTA Smart Contracts Chain

To send EVM transactions, you need to have an Ethereum address that owns tokens on the ISC chain (L2). These tokens will be used to cover gas fees.

The most intuitive way to do this is using Metamask. In MetaMask, you can create a wallet, it does not matter what chain it is connected to. Once you have generated a wallet, you will see a wallet address under its name. You can copy this to your clipboard. This address will receive the total supply of tokens on that chain.

Assuming that you also have an IOTA account with some L1 funds, you can deposit some of those funds into the Ethereum address' L2 account. As IOTA is the chain’s base token, it will be referenced as base:

wasp-cli chain deposit 0xa1b2c3d4... base:1000000

3. Connect to the JSON-RPC Service

You can point any Ethereum tool like MetaMask or Hardhat to the JSON-RPC endpoint displayed on the ISC chain dashboard page (Wasp dashboard > Chains > [your chain id]. Once connected, you should be able to use your tool as if it was connected to any other EVM based chain.