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Get Outputs

You can use the indexer to query for specific outputs. You can query for any output type, just change the function to the output type you need

Client in Wallet

If you are using a wallet you can always get the client by calling the client()/getClient()/get_client() method

The following code example will:

  1. Create a Client which will connect to the Shimmer Testnet.
  2. Use the created client to query for outputs with the specified parameters.
  3. Print the first output found.

Code Example

// Copyright 2022 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! Gets all basic output ids associated with an address by querying the
//! `api/indexer/v1/outputs/basic` node endpoint.
//! Make sure that the node has the indexer plugin enabled.
//! Make sure to provide a somewhat recently used address to make this example run successfully!
//! Rename `.env.example` to `.env` first, then run the command:
//! ```sh
//! cargo run --release --all-features --example get_outputs [ADDRESS] [NODE_URL]
//! ```

use iota_sdk::{
client::{node_api::indexer::query_parameters::QueryParameter, Client, Result},

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// This example uses secrets in environment variables for simplicity which should not be done in production.

// Take the node URL from command line argument or use one from env as default.
let node_url = std::env::args()
.unwrap_or_else(|| std::env::var("NODE_URL").expect("NODE_URL not set"));

// Create a node client.
let client = Client::builder().with_node(&node_url)?.finish().await?;

// Take the address from command line argument or use a default one.
let address = Bech32Address::try_from_str(

// Get output IDs of basic outputs that can be controlled by this address without further unlock constraints.
let output_ids_response = client

println!("First output of query:");
println!("ID: {:#?}", output_ids_response.first().expect("No outputs found"));

// Get the outputs by their IDs.
let outputs_response = client.get_outputs(&output_ids_response.items).await?;

println!("{:#?}", outputs_response.first().unwrap());


Expected Output

First output of query:
ID: OutputId(0x57a796e9b8c5fc96c330fa45c2658f37d04f631eedc85d8e1e23434ca599eb8c0000)
OutputWithMetadata {
output: BasicOutput {
amount: 12310426,
native_tokens: NativeTokens(
unlock_conditions: UnlockConditions(
features: Features(
metadata: OutputMetadata {
block_id: BlockId(0x2a006e26f54f1221b4fa5738bf2b3501a0a2e7085ff8dcc03d0700f75bbcc43c),
output_id: OutputId(0x57a796e9b8c5fc96c330fa45c2658f37d04f631eedc85d8e1e23434ca599eb8c0000),
is_spent: false,
milestone_index_spent: None,
milestone_timestamp_spent: None,
transaction_id_spent: None,
milestone_index_booked: 5300818,
milestone_timestamp_booked: 1684939216,
ledger_index: 5794425,