6.3 Fast Probabilistic Consensus
6.3.1 Introduction
The functionality defined in this part of the specification allows nodes to find consensus on whether a given object is elgible or not. This protocol, called Fast Probabilistic Consensus (FPC), is triggered if the eligibility of an object is uncertain. These objects can be messages or transactions. Please refer to Section 6.1 - Object of Consensus for details on the object of consensus and to Section 6.2 - Opinion Setting for more details how initial opinions on the objects are formed.
Once FPC is triggered every node must establish an initial opinion on the eligibility of the object, as described in Section 6.1. The node must then start to query other nodes about their opinions on the given object and must update its opinion according to the rules specified in this section.
This procedure shall terminate locally if a node has not changed its opinion over a specified period of time or if some maximal amount of rounds is reached.
Unlike other voting-based consensus protocols, FPC uses a sequence of global random thresholds. This randomness makes FPC robust even in Byzantine environments. We refer to FPC-BI: Fast Probabilistic Consensus within Byzantine Infrastructures, Robustness and efficiency of leaderless probabilistic consensus protocols within Byzantine infrastructures, and Fast Probabilistic Consensus with Weighted Votes for more details on FPC.
The Fast Probabilistic Consensus Protocol specification depends on the following specifications:
6.3.2 FPC Protocol
The FPC protocol attempts to determine consensus on the eligibility of an object objectID
. Every node has an initial opinion opinion
on this object. These opinions are updated in rounds until the protocol terminates using a local stopping rule. FPC Parameters
Table 6.3.1 gives a list of all parameters required for FPC.
Table 6.3.1: Parameters Required for FPC.
Name | Type | Description |
TOTAL_ROUNDS_FINALIZATION | integer | Number of consecutive rounds before FPC auto-terminates |
TOTAL_ROUNDS_ENDING_THRESHOLD | integer | Number of consecutive rounds with non-random threshold |
FIRST_ROUND_THRESHOLD | double | Threshold of the proportion of opinions in the first round |
SUBSEQUENT_LOWER_THRESHOLD | double | Lower random threshold bound in subsequent rounds |
SUBSEQUENT_UPPER_THRESHOLD | double | Upper random threshold bound in subsequent rounds |
ENDING_THRESHOLD | double | Threshold for termination phase |
DRNG_WAITING_TIME | duration | Maximal waiting time (in seconds) to receive dRNG number |
MAX_ROUND | integer | Maximum number of rounds before querying stops |
QUERY_SIZE | integer | Quorum size, number of nodes that are queried |
ROUND_LENGTH | double | Duration (in seconds) of a round |
TIME_OUT | duration | Maximal waiting time (in seconds) to receive answers for FPC queries |
MIN_MANA_PROPORTION | double | Minimal amount of mana of received answers that allow to update opinion. If this amount is not reached the current round is not counted. |
MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE | integer | Maximal size of sample. |
The proposed values of the parameters are (Table 6.3.2):
Table 6.3.2: FPC Parameter Default Values.
Parameter | Value |
MAX_ROUND | 100 |
TIME_OUT | 6.5 |
MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE | 100 | Local Variables
Local variables are those which may be defined at the application developer's discretion and do not form a mandatory part of the protocol. They are included here to assist in understanding the protocol defined in this section. The kind of information described for these variables must be handled by the node application in some form.
Every node shall keep the following variables (Table 6.3.3):
Table 6.3.3: Required Node Variables.
Name | Type | Description |
nodeList | list of nodeIDs | List of known nodes |
consensusManaList | list of nodeIDs | List of active consensus mana of known nodes |
ownMana | double | Active consensus mana of ownNode |
rn | double | Random number provided by dRNG module |
rnCycle | double | Random number instance |
queryList | list of nodeIDs | List of nodes to query |
queryMax | integer | Maximal number of queries per round |
opinionQuery | list of Opinions | List of opinions of nodes in queryList , non-replies are encoded with NA |
objectIDs | list of objectIDs | List of objectIDs that are under vote |
Note that consensusManaList
is a list of active consensus Mana of all known nodes. As this Mana changes over time this list has to be updated over time. Such an update is expressed with the function GetActiveConsensusMana(time)
that returns the list of active consensus Mana at time time
For each objectID
that is under vote a node shall keep the following variables (Table 6.3.4):
Table 6.3.4: Variables Required for objectID Under Vote.
Name | Type | Description |
opinion | nulled boolean | Opinion of the eligibility the objectID ; TRUE corresponds to LIKE and FALSE to DISLIKE |
cnt | integer | Counter of the number of consecutive rounds with unchanged opinion |
queryStatus | boolean | Status if actively querying |
answerStatus | boolean | TRUE if answering queries, otherwise FALSE |
round | integer | Counter for the number of rounds in FPC |
reachedMaxRound | boolean | Indicator whether protocol reached MAX_ROUND before auto-termination, default value FALSE | FPC Protocol Description
FPC Protocol Operation for One Object ID
This section describes how FPC works for one objectID
. Once FPC is triggered on the eligibility of the object objectID
a node establishes an initial opinion opinion
on objectID
, see Section 6.2 Opinion Setting. In particular, the variables queryStatus
and answerStatus
must be affected using the functions QueryStatus
and AnswerStatus
The exchange and update of opinions must be done in rounds of length ROUND_LENGTH
. Rounds end and start at times (in seconds) that are multiple of ROUND_LENGTH
- At the beginning of each round a node must select a random sample of the other nodes and either send a query request or check if the sampled nodes published their opinions on the Tangle.
- After
the node must calculate the proportion of theLIKE
s in the received opinions. - At the end of the round it must set a threshold to confirm or modify its own opinion. In the first round this threshold is
while in the subsequent rounds a node must retrieve a random threshold from the dRNG. If the random threshold from the dRNG is not available a node must use (SUBSEQUENT_LOWER_THRESHOLD
)/2 as threshold. If the proportion is below this obtained threshold it must set its opinion toDISLIKE
, otherwise it must set its opinion toLIKE
. In the case that the opinion did not change, the variablecnt
must be incremented by 1, otherwise it must be set to 0. If a node did not receive enough answers, i.e., the proportion of mana of the received opinions is less thanMIN_MANA_PROPORTION
of the total mana of the queried nodes, the round is not counted, i.e., neither opinion norcnt
are changed. - This continues until
. FPC then enters in the "termination phase" and continues forTOTAL_ROUNDS_ENDING_THRESHOLD
rounds using theENDING_THRESHOLD
instead of the random threshold. If during this phase a node changes its opinion it must setcnt
=0 and use the random threshold again. The node shall stop querying ifcnt
. In case thatcnt
a node must set the final opinion toDISLIKE
. - Once FPC terminates (for the given
) a node must update the metadataopinionField
with the outcome of FPC asopinion
. - A node must continue to respond to queries as long as
AnswerStatus(type, objectID)=TRUE
, wheretype
is the type of theobjectID
. IfAnswerStatus(type, objectID)=FALSE
the variableanswerStatus
must be updated accordingly.
High consensus Mana nodes will be queried more often than nodes with low consensus Mana, since the sampling using consensus Mana as weights. Every node is given the possibility to publish their opinions in a statement on the Tangle. These messages are called FPC statements. Nodes who decide to issue FPC statements may close the port reserved for FPC queries. A close port can therefore be an indication that a node decided to disseminate its opinions through statements. Every node shall keep a list of nodes that are not answering direct queries but publish their opinions on the Tangle. If a node issues two or more conflicting FPC statements in a round, every other node shall not take these messages into account, i.e., they do not count for the Mana of received opinions neither are used for the calculation of the proportion.
FPC Protocol Operation for Multiple Object IDs
It is possible that there are more than one object to vote on. In this case, a node shall sample once per round and obtain the opinions for all objects from this one sample. Malicious or faulty nodes may not respond in a consistent way. In particular, in the case of a double-spending, a malicious node may respond LIKE
for two or more conflicting objects. These malicious messages shall be filtered after having received the responses of the queries. Therefore, upon receival of the opinions, a node shall check for every sampled node if its answers are consistent, i.e., all liked objects must form a valid ledger state. Nodes that replied inconsistently shall be filtered out and their answer shall be considered as not received, i.e., they do not count for the Mana of received opinions neither are used for the calculation of the proportion.
Note that since consensus Mana changes over time, FPC may use different consensus Mana values for different objectID
s that are voted on at the same time. For an objectID
, FPC must use the active consensus Mana of epoch Epoch X-2
, where Epoch X
contains the timestamp of the objectID
. We refer to Section 5.3 - Mana for the specification of active consensus Mana. We use a generic function GetActiveConsensusMana(time)
that retrieves the active consensus Mana with respect to a given timestamp time
. FPC Pseudocode Description
The following presents some pseudo-code for a better understanding of the details of the FPC protocol.
The function GetRN(a, b, time)
retrieves a uniform random number between a and b from the dRNG module of a given time time
If the dRNG is not retrieved in time a node must use (SUBSEQUENT_LOWER_THRESHOLD
)/2 instead.
In each round a node must query a random sample of other nodes. The random sample is obtained using weighted (by active consensus Mana) sampling with replacement until QUERY_SIZE
distinct elements are chosen, or until a maximum sample size of MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE
is reached.
This function chooses a sample of nodeIDs for FPC queries.
FUNCTION queryList = GetSample(nodeList, manaList)
queryList = []
WHILE (queryList does not contain QUERY_SIZE different elements)
newSample = SAMPLE(nodeList, weight=manaList)
queryList = APPEND(queryList, newSample)
RETURN queryList
The function SAMPLE(nodeList, weight=manaList)
chooses a random element from nodeList
with weights corresponding to their Mana, i.e., the probability that a nodeID
is chosen is proportional to manaList[nodeID]
Once the list queryList
of nodes to query is chosen a node must obtain their opinions about the objects under voting. As there are two possibilities for nodes to communicate their opinions, via direct answers or via FPC statements, a node shall keep information on this behavior up to date. The message layout of the FPC statements is specified in Section 2.3 - Standard Payloads Layout.
At the beginning of each round every node must prepare a query and send it to those nodes in queryList
that replies directly (i.e., do not publish FPC statements).
The queries must follow the layout that follows.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||
Version | uint8 | The message version. The schema specified in this RFC is for version 1 only. | ||||||
Tx count | uint8 | The number of TransactionIDs. | ||||||
TransactionIDs Tx count | TransactionID, ordered by hash ASC
| |||||||
Msg count | uint8 | The number of MessageIDs. | ||||||
MessageIDs Msg count | MessageID, ordered by hash ASC
The respond to a QueryRequest must take follow the following form
Name | Type | Description | ||||||
Version | uint8 | The message version. The schema specified in this RFC is for version 1 only. | ||||||
Obj count | uint8 | The number of objectIDs. Must equal to Tx count + Msg count of the received QueryRequest | ||||||
Opinions Obj count | ObjectIDs, in the same order as in received QueryRequest
In the case that a certain objectID
is unknwon to the node, it must respond with NULL
. If the objectID
is currently treated by FPC a node must respond with the current opinion, otherwise, retrieve the opinion
from the opinionField
of the objectID
. If the opinionField
the node must respond with NULL
Note that since the order of the opinions in QueryResponse
is important a node may have to produce different messages QueryResponse for different querying nodes. QueryRequest and QueryResponse must be signed by the sending node. The communication channel for these messages is specified in the field "services" in the DiscoveryRequest. We write respond[node, objectIDs]
for the respond, per direct QueryResponse or FPC statement, of the node
on the objectID
A node shall only respond to queries if all included objectsID
have status answerQuery=TRUE
This function sends queries to all nodes of queryList
and obtains their opinion either through QueryResponse messages of from FPC statements on the Tangle.
FUNCTION opinionQuery = GetOpinion(objectIDs, queryList)
SEND QueryRequest messages
FOR (node IN queryList)
IF (node replied)
opinionQuery[node, objectIDs] = respond[node, objectIDs]
ELSE IF (node publishes on Tangle)
opinionQuery[node, objectIDs] = GetOpinionFromTangle[node, objectID]
ELSE opinionQuery[node, objectIDs] = NA
RETURN (opinionQuery)
A node must receive a sufficient amount of replies to validate a given round; otherwise the ongoing FPC round is skipped. More precisely, the consensus Mana of the received opinions must be larger than MIN_MANA_PROPORTION
times the sum of the consensus Mana of the sampled nodes.
Once a node receives a FPC query it must prepare a response message as specified above, and shall sent the response as soon as possible. If a node decides to publish its opinions on the Tangle, it must create a so-called FPC statement message and issue it on the Tangle at the beginning of each round.
At the end of each round, i.e., after the TIME_OUT
expires, a node must update its opinion if CheckQuerySuccessful
is TRUE. The node must calculate the proportion of the LIKE
s in the obtained opinions and compare it to a certain threshold. The value of the threshold depends on the phase FPC is in. In the first round, a node must use FIRST_ROUND_THRESHOLD
as a threshold, while in the subsequent rounds the node must use a random threshold obtained by GetRN()
. Moreover, if cnt
the node must use ENDING_THRESHOLD
for the threshold.
The following pseudo-code describes the update of the opinion of one given objectID
. It uses queryList
and opinionQuery
obtained by the functions GetSample
and GetOpinion
. The variable opinion
describes the current opinion on objectID
This function updates the opinion of a node on objectID
FUNCTION opinion = OpinionUpdate(objectID, opinion, queryList, opinionQuery, round)
manaList = GetActiveConsensusMana(timeObjectID)
answerMana = ownMana
etaStar = 0
FOR node in queryList
queriedMana += manaList[node]
IF opinionQuery[node, objectID] != NA
answerMana += manaList[node]
IF opinionQuery[node, objectID] = LIKE
IF answerMana <= MIN_MANA_PROPORTION * queriedMana
opinionNew = opinion #
eta = etaStar / LENGTH(queryList)
IF opinion = LIKE
eta = (ownMana + etaStar*(answerMana-ownMana))/answerMana
eta = (etaStar*(answerMana-ownMana))/answerMana
IF round = 1
IF threshold = NIL
IF eta < threshold
opinionNew = DISLIKE
opinionNew = LIKE
RETURN opinioNew
This function describes the FPC for one objectID
. It is triggered once queryStatus
of an object is set to TRUE
FUNCTION opinion = MainFPC(objectId, queryStatus)
IF queryStatus = TRUE
opinion = GetInitialOpinion(objectID)
cnt = 0
round = 1
WHILE queryStatus = TRUE
queryList = GetSample(nodeList, manaList)
opinionQuery = GetOpinion(objectID, queryList)
opinionNew = OpinionUpdate(objectID, opinion, queryList, opinionQuery, round)
IF opinion = opinionNew
opinion = opinionNew
queryStatus = FALSE
IF round >= MAX_ROUND
queryStatus = FALSE
opinion = 1
RETURN opinion
6.3.3 Optimizations Suggestions
The design given above exemplifies all the mandatory elements of the FPC protocol.
There are several possible ways to optimize the performance of FPC. For example:
- FPC possibly exposes the public IP adresses of all the IOTA nodes. This can be limited by publishing statements on Tangle. However, if all nodes decide to publish their statements this may have a negative effect on the scalability of the protocol. Please refer to Fast Probabilistic Consensus with Weighted Votes for more discussions on how to optimize the message overhead.
- Monotonicity and consistency rules may be applied to reduce the sizes of the messages.
- The choice of the FPC parameters could be optimized. The optimal choice depends on the actual mana distribution and network latency.