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The following sections will guide you in how to use the Integration Services SDK. The Integration Services SDK makes it easy to manage decentralized identities and secure channels (Audit Trail).

You should have a basic understanding of decentralized identities to get the most out of the following examples.


Build from source:
git clone
cd iota-is-sdk
mvn clean install

or download JAR from MVNRepository

or simply add to your POM:

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The Integration Services SDK has two different clients you can use:


You can use IdentityClient to manage decentralized identities. This includes, but is not limited to:


You can test your implementation on our public API which is connected to the IOTA Mainnet.


You can use the ChannelClient to access Audit Trail features. These include, but are not limited to:

You can import and configure these clients using a object which will populate the BaseClient class:



In order to work with Integration Services API, you will need to be authenticated with a decentralized identity.

The Integration Services use a JWT token based authorization mechanism which behaves in the following manner:

  1. The client gets a nonce from the API and returns it signed by the identity's private key.
  2. The API returns a JWT token to authorize any subsequent requests.

You can get an identity using the following script (no auth required):

  IdentityClient client = new IdentityClient();
JSONObject jsonClaim = new JSONObject().put("type", "Person").put("name", "randomName");

Claim claim = new Claim(jsonClaim);

final String randomUsername = Utils.getRandomUsernameOfLength(5);
System.out.println("username: " + randomUsername);
JSONObject newUserIdentity = client.create(randomUsername, claim);
System.out.println("created new user " + newUserIdentity);

The generated identity is stored on the IOTA Tangle and follows did-core specifications. It is a JSON file like the following:

"id": "did:iota:Dr1kbpAUMtmXV7oNBsqdt2bkFrt72fmvzGNxhgU939ne",
"keys": {
"sign": {
"public": "EWcf94eLQsikKwWeVjKKb5nC38iiTgUz97oSDEzxBvzu",
"private": "CBNAydKtSUQ3voeyMHiBngrGsKSSenohRE6CGqzuHGHA",
"type": "ed25519",
"encoding": "base58"
"encrypt": {
"public": "CKfWWbRr8JkfZ3fZAYiDcFqTiHDyRiBGurxAMYkXLX7j",
"private": "84fewtiBLvsenyA4LoDBn8WzGZiknXopsYuGWT6GvzPG",
"type": "x25519",
"encoding": "base58"

If you have a JSON Identity, you can authorize your client as follows:

  String id = newUserIdentity.getJSONObject("doc").getString("id");
String pubKey = newUserIdentity.getJSONObject("key").getString("public");
String privKey = newUserIdentity.getJSONObject("key").getString("secret");
client.authenticate(id, pubKey, privKey);