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Create a Static Identity

To create a static GoShimmer identity, you will need to generate a random 32 byte seed. You can use openssl or the rand-seed tool we provide under the GoShimmer folder tools/rand-seed. For example, by running:

  • openssl rand -base64 32: generates a random 32 byte sequence encoded in base64. The output should look like: gP0uRLhwBG2yJJmnLySX4S4R5G250Z3dbN9yBR6VSyY=
  • go run main.go under the GoShimmer folder tools/rand-seed: generates a random 32 byte sequence encoded in both base64 and base58. The output is written into the file random-seed.txt and should look like:

You can now copy one of that strings (together with the encoding type prefix) and paste it into the GoShimmer config.json under the node section:

"node": {
"disablePlugins": [],
"enablePlugins": []

Or if you are using docker and prefer to set this with a command, you can define the same by changing the GoShimmer docker-compose.yml:

network_mode: host
image: iotaledger/goshimmer
context: ./
dockerfile: Dockerfile
container_name: iota_goshimmer
command: >
# Mount volumes:
# make sure to give read/write access to the folder ./mainnetdb (e.g., chmod -R 777 ./mainnetdb)
# optionally, you can mount a config.json into the container
- ./mainnetdb/:/app/mainnetdb/:rw
- ./config.json:/app/config.json:ro
# Expose ports:
# gossip: - "14666:14666/tcp"
# autoPeering: - "14626:14626/udp"
# webAPI: - "8080:8080/tcp"
# dashboard: - "8081:8081/tcp"
- "14666:14666/tcp"
- "14626:14626/udp"
- "9311:9311/tcp" # prometheus exporter
- "8080:8080/tcp" # webApi
- "8081:8081/tcp" # dashboard