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UTXO model​

The unspent transaction output (UTXO) model defines a ledger state where balances are not directly associated with addresses but with the outputs of transactions. In this model, transactions specify the outputs of previous transactions as inputs, which are consumed in order to create new outputs. A transaction must consume the entirety of the specified inputs. The section unlocking the inputs is called an unlock block. An unlock block may contain a signature proving ownership of a given input's address and/or other unlock criteria.

The following image depicts the flow of funds using UTXO:

Flow of funds using UTXO

Transaction Layout​

A Transaction payload is made up of two parts:

  1. The Transaction Essence part contains: version, timestamp, nodeID of the aMana pledge, nodeID of the cMana pledge, inputs, outputs and an optional data payload.
  2. The Unlock Blocks which unlock the Transaction Essence's inputs. In case the unlock block contains a signature, it signs the entire Transaction Essence part.

All values are serialized in little-endian encoding (it stores the most significant byte of a word at the largest address and the smallest byte at the smallest address). The serialized form of the transaction is deterministic, meaning the same logical transaction always results in the same serialized byte sequence.

Transaction Essence​

The Transaction Essence of a Transaction carries a version, timestamp, nodeID of the aMana pledge, nodeID of the cMana pledge, inputs, outputs and an optional data payload.


The Inputs part holds the inputs to consume, that in turn fund the outputs of the Transaction Essence. There is only one supported type of input as of now, the UTXO Input. In the future, more types of inputs may be specified as part of protocol upgrades.

Each defined input must be accompanied by a corresponding Unlock Block at the same index in the Unlock Blocks part of the Transaction. If multiple inputs may be unlocked through the same Unlock Block, the given Unlock Block only needs to be specified at the index of the first input that gets unlocked by it. Subsequent inputs that are unlocked through the same data must have a Reference Unlock Block pointing to the previous Unlock Block. This ensures that no duplicate data needs to occur in the same transaction.

UTXO Input​

Input Typeuint8Set to value 0 to denote an UTXO Input.
Transaction IDByteArray[32]The BLAKE2b-256 hash of the transaction from which the UTXO comes from.
Transaction Output Indexuint16The index of the output on the referenced transaction to consume.

A UTXO Input is an input which references an output of a previous transaction by using the given transaction's BLAKE2b-256 hash + the index of the output on that transaction. A UTXO Input must be accompanied by an Unlock Block for the corresponding type of output the UTXO Input is referencing.

Example: If the input references outputs to an Ed25519 address, then the corresponding unlock block must be of type Signature Unlock Block holding an Ed25519 signature.


The Outputs part holds the outputs to create with this Transaction Payload. There are different types of output:

  • SigLockedSingleOutput
  • SigLockedAssetOutput


Output Typeuint8Set to value 0 to denote a SigLockedSingleOutput.
Address oneOfEd25519 Address | BLS AddressThe raw bytes of the Ed25519/BLS address which is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the Ed25519/BLS public key
Balanceuint64The balance of IOTA tokens to deposit with this SigLockedSingleOutput output.
Ed25519 Address​
Address Typeuint8Set to value 0 to denote an Ed25519 Address.
AddressByteArray[32]The raw bytes of the Ed25519 address which is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the Ed25519 public key.

BLS Address​

Address Typeuint8Set to value 1 to denote a BLS Address.
AddressByteArray[49]The raw bytes of the BLS address which is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the BLS public key.

The SigLockedSingleOutput defines an output holding an IOTA balance linked to a single address; it is unlocked via a valid signature proving ownership over the given address. Such output may hold an address of different types.


Output Typeuint8Set to value 1 to denote a SigLockedAssetOutput.
Address oneOfEd25519 Address | BLS AddressThe raw bytes of the Ed25519/BLS address which is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the Ed25519/BLS public key
Balances countuint32The number of individual balances.
AssetBalance anyOfAsset BalanceThe balance of the tokenized asset.
Asset Balance​

The balance of the tokenized asset.

AssetIDByteArray[32]The ID of the tokenized asset
Balanceuint64The balance of the tokenized asset.

The SigLockedAssetOutput defines an output holding a balance for each specified tokenized asset linked to a single address; it is unlocked via a valid signature proving ownership over the given address. Such output may hold an address of different types. The ID of any tokenized asset is defined by the BLAKE2b-256 hash of the OutputID that created the asset.


The payload part of a Transaction Essence may hold an optional payload. This payload does not affect the validity of the Transaction Essence. If the transaction is not valid, then the payload shall be discarded.

Unlock Blocks​

The Unlock Blocks part holds the unlock blocks unlocking inputs within a Transaction Essence.

There are different types of Unlock Blocks: | Name | Unlock Type | Description | | ---------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Signature Unlock Block | 0 | An unlock block holding one or more signatures unlocking one or more inputs. | | Reference Unlock Block | 1 | An unlock block which must reference a previous unlock block which unlocks also the input at the same index as this Reference Unlock Block. |

Signature Unlock Block​

Unlock Typeuint8Set to value 0 to denote a Signature Unlock Block.
Signature oneOfEd25519 Address | BLS AddressThe raw bytes of the Ed25519/BLS address which is a BLAKE2b-256 hash of the Ed25519/BLS public key

A Signature Unlock Block defines an Unlock Block which holds one or more signatures unlocking one or more inputs. Such a block signs the entire Transaction Essence part of a Transaction Payload including the optional payload.

Reference Unlock block​

Unlock Typeuint8Set to value 1 to denote a Reference Unlock Block.
Referenceuint16Represents the index of a previous unlock block.

A Reference Unlock Block defines an Unlock Block that references a previous Unlock Block (that must not be another Reference Unlock Block). It must be used if multiple inputs can be unlocked through the same origin Unlock Block.

Example: Consider a Transaction Essence containing UTXO Inputs A, B and C, where A and C are both spending the UTXOs originating from the same Ed25519 address. The Unlock Block part must thereby have the following structure:

IndexMust Contain
0A Signature Unlock Block holding the corresponding Ed25519 signature to unlock A and C.
1A Signature Unlock Block that unlocks B.
2A Reference Unlock Block that references index 0, since C also gets unlocked by the same signature as A.


A Transaction payload has different validation stages since some validation steps can only be executed at the point when certain information has (or has not) been received. We, therefore, distinguish between syntactical and semantic validation.

Transaction Syntactical Validation​

This validation can commence as soon as the transaction data has been received in its entirety. It validates the structure but not the signatures of the transaction. A transaction must be discarded right away if it does not pass this stage.

The following criteria define whether the transaction passes the syntactical validation:

  • Transaction Essence:
    • Transaction Essence Version value must be 0.
    • The timestamp of the Transaction Essence must be older than (or equal to) the timestamp of the block containing the transaction by at most 10 minutes.
    • A Transaction Essence must contain at least one input and output.
  • Inputs:
    • Inputs Count must be 0 < x < 128.
    • At least one input must be specified.
    • Input Type value must be 0, denoting an UTXO Input.
    • UTXO Input:
      • Transaction Output Index must be 0 ≀ x < 128.
      • Every combination of Transaction ID + Transaction Output Index must be unique in the inputs set.
    • Inputs must be in lexicographical order of their serialized form.1
  • Outputs:
    • Outputs Count must be 0 < x < 128.
    • At least one output must be specified.
    • Output Type must be 0, denoting a SigLockedSingleOutput.
    • SigLockedSingleOutput:
      • Address Type must either be 0 or 1, denoting an Ed25519 - or BLS address .
      • The Address must be unique in the set of SigLockedSingleOutputs.
      • Amount must be > 0.
    • Outputs must be in lexicographical order by their serialized form. This ensures that serialization of the transaction becomes deterministic, meaning that libraries always produce the same bytes given the logical transaction.
    • Accumulated output balance must not exceed the total supply of tokens 2,779,530,283,277,761.
  • Payload Length must be 0 (to indicate that there's no payload) or be valid for the specified payload type.
  • Payload Type must be one of the supported payload types if Payload Length is not 0.
  • Unlock Blocks Count must match the number of inputs. Must be 0 < x < 128.
  • Unlock Block Type must either be 0 or 1, denoting a Signature Unlock Block or Reference Unlock block.
  • Signature Unlock Blocks must define either an Ed25519- or BLS Signature.
  • A Signature Unlock Block unlocking multiple inputs must only appear once (be unique) and be positioned at the same index of the first input it unlocks. All other inputs unlocked by the same Signature Unlock Block must have a companion Reference Unlock Block at the same index as the corresponding input that points to the origin Signature Unlock Block.
  • Reference Unlock Blocks must specify a previous Unlock Block that is not of type Reference Unlock Block. The referenced index must therefore be smaller than the index of the Reference Unlock Block.
  • Given the type and length information, the Transaction must consume the entire byte array the Payload Length field in the Block defines.

Transaction Semantic Validation​

The following criteria define whether the transaction passes the semantic validation:

  1. All the UTXOs the transaction references are known (booked) and unspent.
  2. The transaction is spending the entirety of the funds of the referenced UTXOs to the outputs.
  3. The address type of the referenced UTXO must match the signature type contained in the corresponding Signature Unlock Block.
  4. The Signature Unlock Blocks are valid, i.e. the signatures prove ownership over the addresses of the referenced UTXOs.

If a transaction passes the semantic validation, its referenced UTXOs shall be marked as spent and the corresponding new outputs shall be booked/specified in the ledger.

Transactions that do not pass semantic validation shall be discarded. Their UTXOs are not marked as spent and neither are their outputs booked into the ledger. Moreover, their blocks shall be considered invalid.

Ledger State

The introduction of a voting-based consensus requires a fast and easy way to determine a node's initial opinion for every received transaction. This includes the ability to both detect double spends and transactions that try to spend non-existing funds. These conditions are fulfilled by the introduction of an Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model for record-keeping, which enables the validation of transactions in real time.

The concept of UTXO style transactions is directly linked to the creation of a directed acyclic graph (DAG), in which the vertices are transactions and the links between these are determined by the outputs and inputs of transactions.

To deal with double spends and leverage on certain properties of UTXO, we introduce the Realities Ledger State.

Realities Ledger State​

In the Realities Ledger State, we model the different perceptions of the ledger state that exist in the Tangle. In each β€œreality” on its own there are zero conflicting transactions. Each reality thus forms an in itself consistent UTXO sub-DAG, where every transaction references any other transaction correctly.

Since outputs of transactions can only be consumed once, a transaction that double spends outputs creates a persistent conflict in a corresponding UTXO DAG. Each conflict receives a unique identifier conflictID. These conflicts cannot be merged by any vertices (transactions). A transaction that attempts to merge incompatible conflicts fails to pass a validity check and is marked as invalid.

The composition of all realities defines the Realities Ledger State.

From this composition nodes are able to know which possible outcomes for the Tangle exist, where they split, how they relate to each other, if they can be merged and which blocks are valid tips. All of this information can be retrieved in a fast and efficient way without having to walk the Tangle.

Ultimately, for a set of competing realities, only one reality can survive. It is then up to the consensus protocol to determine which conflict is part of the eventually accepted reality.

In total the ledger state thus involves three different layers:

  • the UTXO DAG,
  • its extension to the corresponding conflict DAG,
  • the Tangle which maps the parent relations between blocks and thus also transactions.


The UTXO DAG models the relationship between transactions, by tracking which outputs have been spent by what transaction. Since outputs can only be spent once, we use this property to detect double spends.

Instead of permitting immediately only one transaction into to the ledger state, we allow for different versions of the ledger to coexist temporarily. This is enabled by extending the UTXO DAG by the introduction of conflicts, see the following section. We can then determine which conflicting versions of the ledger state exist in the presence of conflicts.

Conflict Sets and Detection of Double Spends​

We maintain a list of consumers consumerList associated with every output, that keeps track of which transactions have spent that particular output. Outputs without consumers are considered to be unspent outputs. Transactions that consume an output that have more than one consumer are considered to be double spends.

If there is more than one consumer in the consumer list we shall create a conflict set list conflictSet, which is identical to the consumer list. The conflictSet is uniquely identified by the unique identifier conflictSetID. Since the outputID is directly and uniquely linked to the conflict set, we set conflictSetID=outputID.


The UTXO model and the concept of solidification, makes all non-conflicting transactions converge to the same ledger state no matter in which order the transactions are received. Blocks containing these transactions could always reference each other in the Tangle without limitations.

However, every double spend creates a new possible version of the ledger state that will no longer converge. Whenever a double spend is detected, see the previous section, we track the outputs created by the conflicting transactions and all of the transactions that spend these outputs, by creating a container for them in the ledger which we call a conflict.

More specifically a container conflict shall be created for each transaction that double spends one or several outputs, or if transactions aggregated those conflicts. Every transaction that spends directly or indirectly from a transaction in a given conflict, i.e. is in the future cone in the UTXO DAG of the double-spending transaction that created conflict, is also contained in this conflict or one of the child conflicts. A conflict that was created by a transaction that spends multiple outputs can be part of multiple conflict sets.

Every conflict shall be identified by the unique identifier conflictID. We consider two kinds of conflicts: conflict conflicts and aggregated conflicts, which are explained in the following sections.

Conflict Conflicts​

A conflict conflict is created by a corresponding double spend transaction. Since the transaction identifier is unique, we choose the transaction id transactionID of the double spending transaction as the conflictID.

Outputs inside a conflict can be double spent again, recursively forming sub-conflicts.

On solidification of a block, we shall store the corresponding conflict identifier together with every output, as well as the transaction metadata to enable instant lookups of this information. Thus, on solidification, a transaction can be immediately associated with a conflict.

Aggregated Conflicts​

A transaction that does not create a double spend inherits the conflicts of the input's conflicts. In the simplest case, where there is only one input conflict the transaction inherits that conflict.

If outputs from multiple non-conflicting conflicts are spent in the same transaction, then the transaction and its resulting outputs are part of an aggregated conflict. This type of conflict is not part of any conflict set. Rather it simply combines the perception that the individual conflict conflicts associated to the transaction's inputs are the ones that will be accepted by the network. Each aggregated conflict shall have a unique identifier conflictID, which is the same type as for conflict conflicts. Furthermore the container for an aggregated conflict is also of type conflict.

To calculate the unique identifier of a new aggregated conflict, we take the identifiers of the conflicts that were aggregated, sort them lexicographically and hash the concatenated identifiers once

An aggregated conflict can't aggregate other aggregated conflicts. However, it can aggregate the conflict conflicts that are part of the referenced aggregated conflict. Thus aggregated conflicts have no further conflicts as their children and they remain tips in the conflict DAG. Furthermore, the sortation of the conflictIDs in the function AggregatedConflictID() ensures that even though blocks can attach at different points in the Tangle and aggregate different aggregated conflicts they are treated as if they are in the same aggregated conflict if the referenced conflict conflicts are the same.

These properties allow for an efficient reduction of a set of conflicts. In the following we will require the following fields as part of the conflict data:

  • isConflictConflict is a boolean flat that is TRUE if the conflict is a conflict conflict or FALSE if its an aggregated conflict.
  • parentConflicts contains the list of parent conflict conflicts of the conflict, i.e. the conflict conflicts that are directly referenced by this conflict.

Then the following function takes a list of conflicts (which can be either conflict or aggregated conflicts) and returns a unique set of conflict conflicts that these conflicts represent. This is done by replacing duplicates and extracting the parent conflict conflicts from aggregated conflicts.

FUNCTION reducedConflicts = ReduceConflicts(conflicts)
FOR conflict IN conflicts
IF conflict.isConflictConflict
FOR parentConflict IN conflict.parentConflicts
IF NOT (parentConflict IN reducedConflicts)

RETURN reducedConflicts

The Conflict DAG​

A new conflict is created for each transaction that is part of a conflict set, or if a transaction aggregates conflicts. In the conflict DAG, conflicts constitute the vertices of the DAG. A conflict that is created by a transaction that is spending outputs from other conflicts has edges pointing to those conflicts. The conflict DAG maps the UTXO DAG to a simpler structure that ignores details about relations between transactions inside the conflicts and instead retains only details about the interrelations of conflicts. The set of all non-conflicting transactions form the master conflict. Thus, at its root the conflict DAG has the master conflict, which consists of non-conflicting transaction and resolved transactions. From this root of the conflict DAG the various conflicts emerge. In other words the conflict conflicts and the aggregated conflicts appear as the children of the master conflict.

Detecting Conflicting Conflicts​

Conflicts are conflicting if they, or any of their ancestors, are part of the same conflict set. The conflict DAG can be used to check if conflicts are conflicting, by applying an operation called normalization, to a set of input conflicts. From this information we can identify blocks or transactions that are trying to combine conflicts belonging to conflicting double spends, and thus introduce an invalid perception of the ledger state.

Since conflicts represent the ledger state associated with a double spend and sub-conflicts implicitly share the perception of their parents, we define an operation to normalize a list of conflicts that gets rid of all conflicts that are referenced by other conflicts in that list. The function returns NULL if the conflicts are conflicting and can not be merged.

Merging of Conflicts Into the Master Conflict​

A conflict gains approval weight when blocks from (previously non-attached) nodeIDs attach to blocks in the future cone of that conflict. Once the approval weight exceeds a certain threshold we consider the conflict as confirmed. Once a conflict conflict is confirmed, it can be merged back into the master conflict. Since the approval weight is monotonically increasing for conflicts from the past to the future, conflicts are only merged into the master conflict. The loosing conflicts and all their children conflicts are booked into the container rejectedConflict that has the identifier rejectedConflictID.