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WebAPI - clientLib

The web API interface allows access to functionality of the node software via exposed HTTP endpoints.

How to Use the API

The default port to access the web API is set to 8080:8080/tcp in docker-compose.yml, where the first port number is the internal port number within the node software, and the second for the access from an http port. An example where these two would be set to different values, or the external port is not utilized, can be found in the docker-network tool (see also the docker-compose.yml file in the docker-network tool folder).

The server instance of the web API is contacted via webapi.Server(). Next we need to register a route with a matching handler.

webapi.Server().ROUTE(path string, h HandlerFunc)

where ROUTE will be replaced later in this documentation by GET or POST. The HandlerFunc defines a function to serve HTTP requests that gives access to the Context

func HandlerFunc(c Context) error

We can then use the Context to send a JSON response to the node:

JSON(statuscode int, i interface{}) error

An implementation example is shown later for the POST method.


Two methods are currently used. First, with GET we register a new GET route for a handler function. The handler is accessed via the address path. The handler for a GET method can set the node to perform certain actions.

webapi.Server().GET("path", HandlerFunc)

A command can be sent to the node software to the API, e.g. via command prompt:

curl ""

$$ . $$

Second, with POST we register a new POST route for a handler function. The handler can receive a JSON body input and send specific blocks to the tangle.

webapi.Server().POST("path", HandlerFunc)

For example, the following Handler broadcastData sends a data block to the tangle

func broadcastData(c echo.Context) error {
var request Request
if err := c.Bind(&request); err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, Response{Error: err.Error()})

blk, err := blocklayer.IssuePayload(
payload.NewGenericDataPayload(request.Data), blocklayer.Tangle())
if err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, Response{Error: err.Error()})
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, Response{ID: blk.ID().String()})

As an example the JSON body

"data": "HelloWorld"

can be sent to, which will issue a data block containing "HelloWor" (note that in this example the data input is size limited.)